Friday 7 March 2014

Research and Planning - Storyboard

The storyboard below shows the new shot list we made. we had to change things around because we had changed the whole concept whilst we were filming. This is because we needed two people to operate on the camera.  In order to do this me and Yaaseen had to film. This turned out to be more interesting for the audience to watch.

The image below shows the shots from 1 to 5.

This storyboard shows the shots from 6 to 10.

As you can see from the image below. I tried to draw everything as accurate as possible. The image below shows shot 10. This shot is of the actress (Amy) looking at a map for some direction. However, she isn't able to find her location and find a way out.

The scoreboard below shows the shots from 11 to 15.

The storyboard below shows the shots from 16 to 19.

The storyboard was drawn by me. I had to change the storyboard because the storyboard we made before was changed whilst we was sty location. I didn't have much time to draw this storyboard. Amy created the shot list and we completed the shot list and storyboard within 2 lessons. We tried to include Shot reverse Shot, The 180 degree rule and Match on Action. We could only include two of those because there was one character so we could use Shot reverse shot.

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