Thursday 27 March 2014

Final titles

After a lot of of changes and improvements. We now have a finished piece. We had changed a lot of things from our original concept and I think that the new video we made turned out better than expected.

The link shows our finished and proved piece. I am pleased with this work because our whole group had put a lot of handwork and effort in to make this. We used a lot of the research we did. I think that our primary research we did was more effective than the secondary data we collected. The primary data allowed us to do a lot of things with our movie to meet our audiences needs. Finding out what they found scary was good because the majority had the same reasons to watch a horror movie and what is expected from it. This enabled us to add all those features in. When we showed this back to the class they seemed to love it.

Even though we had to change our whole horror sequence I believe that the one we made the second time round turned out to be better than what we expected. With all of the members in the group skilled at each thing we tried to cover the micro features as well. I was in charge of the editing, Amy was covering Performance and Yaaseen was doing the camera work.

With the group I had I think we produced an amazing piece of work. This is because we used our Primary research to make this video. Everything that was ticked on our questionnaire was included in the movie. With a group with such amazing talents we all put in our best efforts to make this video.

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