Thursday 13 March 2014

Pre Filming Activities

This is the location before we shot the original video. Below i have added photos of members in the group and what their role was.

The Image above shows Amy filming me and Yaaseen. Whilst she was filming she had some difficulties keeping the camera safe. This is because she kept slipping on the mud. As you can see there is a lake in front of Amy. This was dangerous because amy could have fallen in the lake and the camera could have got damaged.

The image above is pretty blurry. However, in our first location we had to put the tripod on a slump on mud. For health and safety issues we had to move location. This is so that the cameras wouldn't get damaged and so that we would stop slipping all over the place.

This shot shows me and Yasseen walking. Another reason why we had to move location was because we had to walk down the steep muddy hill. This was dangerous, however, we took the risk. After two of our group members fell over we decided that this was no longer safe. We then had to search for another location and came across our new filming location. This was when we changed our whole concept and story.

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