Thursday 13 March 2014


These pictures below show our group on action whilst at the location. I am not visible in these images as my part of this project was to edit.

This image is of our new concept. To make this more effective we decided as a group that Amy should be the actress. This way it will be more believable and the audience will be more effected. However, we had to crop these images because as you can see there are houses and vehicles in the background.

This image shows Yaaseen filming. I helped Yaaseen set up one of the cameras so we have the same footage from two different points. This was good because when i was editing i was able to switch to another perspective. This will also be effective towards the audience and it will allow the opening sequence to flow smoothly.

I was filming so that there are two different angles showing the same thing. I was also in charge of the editing and when i switch from one camera to the other, it would be effective and the continuity will still be there.

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