Thursday 6 March 2014

Bentley Priory Location Shots

These locations relate to our Horror Sequence because once we've filmed here we will be able to add darker effects from Final Cut Pro. That will make it seem as if we filmed this at night. Once the soundtrack has been added, it will build tension and suspense to the audiences.

This location was going to be used for our horror film. This is because there isn't much and the Actress will have minimal choices to find a way out. There are also a lot of trees in this shot. The actress will also feel lonely and isolated because there isn't much to do or things to see. We couldn't choose this location as it was pretty far away from a lake and we didn't have enough time as the Horror Sequence Opening Title has to be a maximum of 2minutes.

After looking round Bentley Priory we had found this location which was also besides a lake. We had to film towards the lake because behind us there were people passing, houses and gates leading to the main road. To make Amy (the actress) look like she is isolated and has no route to escape.

We had to film like this to block off the houses in the background.The trees only blocked them in this direction. If we showed the houses it would have ruined the whole concept of the opening title sequence. The houses also would have made it looked like she had an escape route.

As you can see in this deleted scene, there are coaches and houses that can be seen. We had to delete this scene because it wouldn't have flowed with the rest of the recorded footage. If we were going to film towards the houses we had to use a high angle shot in order to cut out the houses, cars, maps and people walking past in the background.

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