Monday 24 March 2014


When creating this evaluation i wanted to be as creative as possible. This is because I wanted the blog to be interesting so that the audience will not get bored by reading it. To be on the creative side, i tried to include many videos and presentations.

 In this presentation, i had to discuss what media types our group used to relate to the real media products. I then i went on to answer a question asking who our audience would be.

 It was a good idea to use Prezi because it is different from a normal presentation. The turns and swirls in this presentation makes it look attractive and interesting for our audience when they read through it. We didnt answer many of the questions because we wanted a variety of ways in which we could do it. This meant that we kept our presentation short and snappy.

The second way we decided to answer the questions was by producing another Prezi presentaion. However, we didn't want to keep the theme the same so I decided to change it which may be a bit more engaging.
In this presentation we looked at distribution.

We included companies like The UK Council, Warner Bros and Sky Movies. This is because these are big companies who also distribute many Horror Films. This is because these companies distribute their films to a similar target audience as ours. Our Horror film wont be suitable for companies like Disney or Pixar. This is because they distribute cartoon films for young children and our certificate rating is for older people.


I then went on to create videos. I made this video to show our creativity. In this video i included what i have learnt by using new technologies. I decided to create a video and record on screen because it would be easier to explain what was new and how i used the tools to create our Horror film.

Firstly, to leearn something new I decided to use Final Cut Pro instead of iMovie. I wanted to learn new skills and explore the new software. I found out that Final Cut Pro had a lot more effects relating to horror than iMovie.

However, in some cases I did need help to use a few tools. It wasn't really hard to get use to. I found that Final Cut Pro made our film more realistic than we expected. In this video I show the tools I used, how I adjusted the sound to fit the film correctly and how I chose the right tools.

 Our group decided to answer two questions by using GoAnimate. GoAnimate was a good way of answering the questions as it is creative and fascinating.

In this GoAnimate video we answered how we attracted our audience. From the Primary data we collected for our planning we build our Horror film around that. This is how we got o engage the audience be every aspect they wanted, i tried to include it in the media task.

Finally, we decided to answer the last question as an interview because we thought that it would be unique from the other ways we answered the questions. In this video we answered 3 things that was learnt since we did the preliminary task.

Since the Preliminary task, I have learnt how to use new a software and many editing techniques. Using Final Cut Pro was a bit hard at first, however, after dedicating many of my free lessons and lunchtimes, I had got the gist of how to edit. I had learnt how to crop and edit a sound, how to layer a clip and how to use suitable effects.

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