Monday 2 December 2013

Preliminary Task

In this preliminary task my group decided to film someone walking down a corridor and walking into a classroom. We then decided that the two students will discuss some science work they are currently working on. Moreover, we decided to film it in school as it would be relevant to our preliminary task video.

The preliminary task shows Jawaad (me) walking down a corridor from many different angles. The different angles allowed us to show that we can keep the video flowing without any struggle. The different angles prevents the audience from getting bored. Another reason we did different angles is to show that we can use Match on Action effectively. Whilst filming we included close ups, when opening the classroom door, a long shot, when walking in and a high angle, when walking down the corridor.
After I've entered the classroom we did include the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot. This makes it clear to the audience the situation and makes the video easier to understand as there is minimum dialogue.

In regarding to Mise en Scene our chosen location was a school. This made our preliminary task much more understandable and realistic. The actors in this task didn't wear uniform, however, we tried to show college students learning and i think that we accomplished our target.
The equipment we use wasn't complicated and was very simple and basic. We used our filming skills to make our shots effective to the audience/ viewers. Our cameraman and camerawoman, Yaaseen and Amy, they used two tripods and two cameras. They also used a microphone to discard any background noises.

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