Friday 6 December 2013

Horror Research

In this task we had different research tasks to complete. Our group had shared the tasks evenly and all did different types of horror research. The research tasks included Iconography of horror, a timeline that shows the history of the genre and how it has changed over time. The certificate ratings shows us what we can include for certain ages. This will be helpful as we can only add a limit amount of blood and gore. Our last research was to look at the sub genres.

By doing this, It will help us to find the best target audience and what to include in our Horror sequence when we come to make it. This research will also show us how to make a sequence that is suitable for a certain age group and appeal to our target audiences. Our research will help us to know what to include and what will attract the audiences attention

I started with the certificate ratings. this allowed us to know what we was allowed to include for certain age groups. It also showed us what the audience may want to see and showed us our limits to make a horror title sequence.

Amy then went on to producing the timeline. This showed our group how our certain target audience have changed throughout the years and what they now find appealing.

Yaaseen then went on to making the Iconography of horror. This research was very helpful as it would show us what props and costumes we will need to include for our sequence. It also showed us how effective each prop can be and what effect it has on the audience.

Finally, Yaaseen also did the sub genres of horror. This will help us as a group as our questionnaire will let us know which one is more popular and we will then base our horror on the most popular sub genre. This will be good as it will be what our audience wants and what they prefer.

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