Monday 7 October 2013

Match on Action

Match on Action is when two cameras have been set in different angles and record the same scene. This allows the audience to believe that the scene is continuos and flows nicely. Then when editing you cut one shot to another to show continuity.

In my group we had to film someone coming/ walking up the stairs. In our activity we had chosen a female to act as if she has grabbed something from her locker and heading off to her next lesson. Moreover, when we filmed this we tried to get as many angles as possible. We did this so that our viewers/ audience wouldn't get bored. Whilst filming we positioned the camera at the bottom of the stairs, middle and the top. This gave us a lot of ideas when putting this scene together. Our group also chose to use a range of camera angles such as Low angle and High angle shots.

Moreover, I believe that the simplest thing of the activity was filming. However, I believe that the editing was easy for me. This is probably because we had a lot of footage to put in. Furthermore, the girl didn't have a complex task so her acting wasn't that hard either. We believe that she didn't have any trouble acting as it is an everyday situation.

Furthermore, I believe that the most difficult thing in this activity was try not to get any other of the group members in. This would make the scene look very basic and not professional. It was also quite hard to try not to get any of the other cameras in. this would have ruined the scene. To prevent this from happening we did a practise run first. this allowed us to see if there was anything in the way.

From doing the task with my group, I now understand Match on Action and how it can be used in a scene to see things from different perspectives and how it shows continuity in a clip. this keeps the audience engaged and not bored. I have learnt a new filming technique that will improve my work in the future.

if I did this activity again I would make sure that it is continuous. For example, when the actress is walking up the flight of stairs with a phone in her hand. Once she goes up the stairs we film her and she doesn't have a phone. This would be one thing i change if i did this activity again. Even though Im skilled when it comes to editing, I believe that i can improve the clip by spending more time on it instead of rushing it.

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