Monday 16 December 2013

Horror Questionnaire

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We did a questionnaire for our Horror opening sequence. This allowed our group to know what our audience like in horror movies. With this information our group can create a Horror title sequence that will be appealing to our target audience. In the video above we show the results from our questionnaire. The video will show who our main target audience are, what type of horror they like and what they like in horror scenes.

Our target audience are quite young. From our questionnaire most of the people who took it were between the ages from 17-30. This means that when we make our title sequence we will have to make it a 15 for legal reasons. Having a 15 certificate rating means that only people who are aged 15 and above are allowed to view our video. We will also try to make our video as entertaining as possible. This will be an important aspect of our video as we wouldn't want to bore our target audience.

Moreover, A lot of the people who took our questionnaire were females. This shows us that we need to make a video which is relevant to more females rather than males. Due to most females taking part in our questionnaire, it will be really pointless for us to include footage that will attract more male attention than females.

Furthermore, a lot of the people who took our questionnaire were from the UK, however, we had one anonymous result which came from the United Arab Emirates. Due to a lot of results coming from the UK we decided to make our video in English as we have a wider target audience. This will be better as more people will be able to understand what we are doing in our title sequence.

Most of the people who took our questionnaire are frightened by dark and confined spaces. Another favorite was supernatural occurrences. This will mean that we will include this in our video as it will be more engaging for the audience to watch. It will also leave them on the edge of their seats as these two features scare the audience the most.

When people answered our questionnaire, the favorite sub-genre was slasher. Another sub-genre they enjoyed was supernatural. This shows us that as a group we will have to include these as it will be most frightening for our audience. However, as a group we decided not to go with slasher as it will not work well with the other options they chose. We then decided to go for the second most popular sub-genre which was supernatural and we found that this aspect will work well with our video and will be most effective.

We then asked them what film they find really scary. We had a few results back which were repeated, films such as Drag Me To Hell and The Conjuring. With these popular Horror films, will try our hardest to make them similar and include some aspects from The Conjuring and Drag Me To Hell.

Finally, we asked our audience if they preferred a movie that was based on a true story or a fiction. Nearly all of our audience who took the questionnaire said that they prefer a true story based film. This meant that our group will have to do extra research in order to met the target audiences criteria.

From what we have gathered we have chosen to go with what the audience like to see in horror movies.We decided to go with what they wanted as our main target is to keep them engaged and make our clip as effective as possible. Even though we changed it a bit, from slasher to supernatural, we think that supernatural is still a popular option and will work best with our clip.

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