Tuesday 1 October 2013

AS Media Shot reverse shot and 180 degree rule activity

The 180 degree rule is a guideline of filming of a relationship between two characters or an object within the scene. The camera is filmed along the imaginary line called the axis. This connects the characters by keeping them on one side of the axis for every shot in the scene. Moreover, character B is always framed left to character A. This helps maintain continuity for the audience/ target audience.

Shot Reverse Shot is a film technique where one character is looking at another character, who is off screen. Then the other character is then shown looking back at the first character. Furthermore, the characters are shown facing in opposite directions. This makes the audience believe that they're having a conversation and looking at each other. However, you have to make sure that their eye lines match.

We were in a group of four. In the activity I played a guy who bumps into his friend. Our group decided that our scene would be based on a conversation between two mates who haven't seen each other in a long time. Moreover, In the scene we included both Shot Reverse Shot and The 180 Degree Rule. This showed the audience that there's a conversation taking place.
On the other hand, in our Peer Assessment we had positive feedback, however, we didn't clearly show our eye lines matching. They also said that our tracking and panning should have been less shaky and more smooth. Our positive feedback was that we did our editing well and we obeyed the 180 degree rule. The also said that this allowed our conversation to flow.

Furthermore, we did take on board use of camera, framing and Mise en scene. However, we had been marked down on our camera because at the end of the scene our camera was very shaky. We also lost a few marks because when my group filmed me i was a close up and when they filmed Yaaseen (other character) it was a mid shot. On the other hand, we did take Mise en Scene into consideration because there wasn't anyone who walked through our scene and interrupted our filming. One thing we needed to do was to match our eye lines. this would have given us bonus marks and would have boosted up our grade.

When filming our group payed attention to the use of camera, framing and mise en scene. They did this by making sure that we were in a location where people wouldn't disturb our filming and make it look unprofessional. this awareness was successfully met. In the activity, I had a part to be a friend meeting another friend and having a small conversation with him. As an actor I had to make sure that I was serious and wasn't laughing when filming. In terms of framing I made sure that nothing was in the way of our filming that would make our clip look bad. Even though I was an actor when it came to editing I made sure that i cropped out any unnecessary things that were in the way. This was one way I had control of what was going on in the frame. This is because me and Yaaseen were actors and didn't have control of the camera.
Moreover, If we were to do it again I would like to have a part in the camera and let Amy and Fatima do some acting. iMovie was very helpful because we could edit out all the mistakes we made and let us make the clip more continuous so the audience don't get bored. Our main target was to keep the clip ongoing and continuous and I believe I accomplished this. This is because when editing i made sure that there wasn't any pauses or jumps. Overall, I believe i did an important part to make sure that the conversation flows.

I believe that I demonstrated Shot Reverse Shot and the 180 degree rule very effectively. this is because when filming we used a tripod to make sure that the camera were specifically directed at both characters. When filing it would have been impossible to disobey the 180 degree rule because we had a massive grey metal object in our way. However, there were a few drawbacks. When I looked back at the footage, even though our group used a tripod, it was hard to keep the camera steady and move at the same time.

If I had the opportunity to do this task again I would correct all of the drawback me and my group faced. Firstly, I would use a tripod that will still keep the camera steady when moving around. Furthermore, I will also make sure the gap between both characters are even. This can be done by marking a spot on the ground for them and then making them stand on the spot so that in they move the gap will still stay identical. Moreover, if I was to film again I would make sure that our camera will be in a suitable position so that we don't show shot reverse shot. I think that there wasn't that much problem with our Mise en Scene, but if I was to do this activity again I would make it obvious to the audience that we are in school.

Overall, for a first attempt I think that I did really well and learnt a lot whilst doing the Shot Reverse Shot and The 180 Degree Rule. I also believe that what I edited made such a big difference to the clip. This is because the small things that went wrong were corrected and made a huge difference to the final clip.

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