Tuesday 1 October 2013

 We have demonstrated how to use different camera angles by planning it on a storyboard and then going out as a group and taking pictures of a certain genre. The most challenging thing about this activity was to find the best setting which was hard because we had to do a shot of someone killing another. Moreover, we could have done these shots at night because it would have made the images look better and realistic. The simplest thing was taking the shots. This was because our group already planned it out. Furthermore, this made it easy for us as we had a good knowledge on what to do. I have learnt how to take many camera shots like High Angle, Low Angle and Mid shot. I am now comfortable on using a camera when taking these shots.

The most easiest part of the activity was to pick out the different types of shots we were going to use. This was easy because there are so many shots and angles to choose from. However, we chose the best shots that would make our shots very effective to the audience. This was a good thing because we discussed it as a group and put all of our ideas together.

From doing this activity, I was able to define and recognise a lot of new camera shots and angles. I also learnt how to use them very effectively and how it can make a storyboard more interesting. In the future i will be able to use the new camera shots and angles to make my work look more interesting than taking simple shots.

When we actually got down to filming/ taking the shots, we had to concentrate more on our body language, facial expression and our acting skills. This would have created suspense and tension as the audience will be drawn into our storyboard as these are the factors we want them to feel. It was pretty obvious to show that we were in school and our mise en scene gave this away. However, we could have made this more effective if we were able to shoot this activity at night. I believe that our setting would have made the clip more effective if we were to film somewhere dark as there's a serial killer involved. The school setting and daylight
ruins our story.

Finally, we made a relevant storyboard whilst using a variety of camera shots and angles. We did this to create an atmosphere and suspense. If we was to do this again I was change the setting and make it more effective to the audience.

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