Sunday 23 February 2014

Horror Opening Sequence Indents

The video below shows the first indent we created. this indent was really basic and needed to be improved. Yaaseen had added sound effects to make the clip more interesting and changed the smoke to fire. Our first Indent name was 'Heated Production'.


The video below shows our second indent we created. We decided to change the indent name from 'Heated Production' to ' Green Eyed Production' and added a few more effects to it so it is more interesting to watch.

Now that we had two indents we decided to widen our creativity and add both of them in. This was because after we added the 'Green Eyed Production' indent to our Horror Opening Sequence we had about 30 seconds left so we decided to add both in. Making these Indents were not a big hassle. They were pretty easy and quick to make.

We didn't spend much time on creating the indents because we wanted to spend more time on editing the opening sequence to make it as effective as possible. I mainly concentrated on the editing and tried to make everything so intense for the audience.

Our Indents are good but we could have spend more time adding effects and sound to it to make it look more interesting.